Thursday, February 08, 2007

Baby Ducky

Ok, so I am not going to be posting on here every single day like I had originally thought. I mean, I'm barely into the pregnancy and, frankly, there's just not that much to report on a daily basis! So, hopefully I'll be posting once or twice per week, depending on what there is to report.

I'm still feeling fine. Nothing to report on that front. I still just feel kinda blah. I'm tired and nothing...nothing sounds good to eat. But I'm not sick, which is least so far. My hubby's relatives sent us a package yesterday with a variety of Phillidelphia Eagle's wear for babys. His family are huge Eagles fans, so we pretty much expected that gift right away! My mom and little sister also sent a package yesterday. It contained a bib that said "I Love Grandma", a onesie that said "Everything's Better At Grandma's", a little "D is for Duck" outfit and a plush baby duckie blanket. The latter gift in the box made me cry! I don't know why...blame it on the hormones going wacko in my system right now. I have been holding it together pretty well so far I think. I haven't really been emotional. But that duckie had me in tears. I guess it took something small and cute and very baby-like for it to hit me - we're having a baby!! I can't imagine what I will do when I actually hear the heart beat for the first time. If a duckie can set me off.....look out!


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