Tuesday, April 12, 2005

Buying a home: why so many people rent

This Thursday we were supposed to close on our very first home. I say SUPPOSED to, because they have pushed back our closing date (they, of course, being the faceless people involved in the business end of this deal) indefinately. They keep telling me that it might, maybe, hopefully be sometime or another next week. This does not work for me. I am a planner. It is in my genes - my mother might die if you took her calendar away from her. So this state of "maybes" and "sometimes" just throws the proverbial monkey wrench into my plans. I have the utility companies planned, the movers planned, even planned vacation time for preparing the house for move-in. I now wait anxiously for the answer: when will we close. Hopefully it will be before our loan-lock expires or my husband may actually hurt someone on the seller's end. All I want is an answer. Is that too much to ask? You would think that these people, actually doing this for a living would have some idea of what is going on - since they do this EVERY DAY. Apparently I am incorrect in my assumptions. I guess I should never assume - after all, you know what happens when we assume. But this time it's not me that should be worried.....


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