Tuesday, April 19, 2005


It's allergy season in Tennessee. I can tell you this because I have experienced the symptoms for the last 3 days. Sneezing, coughing, itchy, watery eyes, headaches...this is my life for the next few months. I have had allergies since I was in high school. My parents used to make me mow the lawn when I lived at home, which, as you can imagine, was no fun at all since it induced 20 minute-long sneezing fits. My husband swears I'm making this up. He thinks I'm just trying to get out of my dusting and lawn care duties. I wish it were true.

I heard once that a sneeze can be equated to 1/8 of an orgasm...which means that if I can only sneeze a few more times......

ACHOOOO! :-) Maybe this allergy stuff's not so bad, eh?


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