Sunday, February 25, 2007

Due Date

We had our first appointment with the doctor on Tuesday. Of course they don't really do much there except confirm what we already new. Our estimated due date (or EDD on the boards) is September 29. Having a date set kind of makes it seem a bit more real. It's prompted me to start thinking about baby furniture and looking at little baby clothes. I'm not ready to buy anything yet but I am getting excited. At 11 weeks we have our next appointment and we're hopeful that we can hear the heartbeat for the first time! That's one my husband is especially psyched about. That will definitely make it real!

More after the appointment on March 13.

Monday, February 19, 2007

Tomorrow, Tomorrow....

Tomorrow is the big day. The first doctor's appointment! The day that hopefully we'll hear that everything is progressing normally. I am a bit nervous. I guess I've heard to many stories of miscarriage lately. Also, the fact that I don't have morning sickness makes me worry that it's not real. I know all these are silly worries and that we'll get nothing but good news tomorrow, but I inherited the worry-wart gene and there's nothing I can do about it!

I'll report more later this week after the trip to the doc's!

Thursday, February 08, 2007

Baby Ducky

Ok, so I am not going to be posting on here every single day like I had originally thought. I mean, I'm barely into the pregnancy and, frankly, there's just not that much to report on a daily basis! So, hopefully I'll be posting once or twice per week, depending on what there is to report.

I'm still feeling fine. Nothing to report on that front. I still just feel kinda blah. I'm tired and nothing...nothing sounds good to eat. But I'm not sick, which is least so far. My hubby's relatives sent us a package yesterday with a variety of Phillidelphia Eagle's wear for babys. His family are huge Eagles fans, so we pretty much expected that gift right away! My mom and little sister also sent a package yesterday. It contained a bib that said "I Love Grandma", a onesie that said "Everything's Better At Grandma's", a little "D is for Duck" outfit and a plush baby duckie blanket. The latter gift in the box made me cry! I don't know why...blame it on the hormones going wacko in my system right now. I have been holding it together pretty well so far I think. I haven't really been emotional. But that duckie had me in tears. I guess it took something small and cute and very baby-like for it to hit me - we're having a baby!! I can't imagine what I will do when I actually hear the heart beat for the first time. If a duckie can set me off.....look out!

Sunday, February 04, 2007

Baby on Board!

I know it's been a long time since I've posted anything on here. Mostly because my life is fairly uneventful and I usually leave the blogging to my husband. But things have changed and there is definite excitement in our future. We're having a baby! That's right folks, we've procreated and are expecting our first child sometime in the fall. At least that's my guess since we haven't even been to the doctor yet. We found out last week after 3 home pregnancy tests...yup...3. I couldn't just trust that one would be accurate, could I? Well everyone is thrilled, and none more than my husband and I, so I thought I'd use this blog as a kind of pregnancy diary. So here goes...enjoy the ride with me!

Ok, so where to start? I guess to tell you a little about us might help you get to know what you're getting into here. My husband and I live in the great state of Tennessee. We're not from here originally, but ya'll is creeping into our vocabulary! We have 6 dogs and 3 cats. If you've read my past blogs you'll wonder how we went from 6 cats and 3 dogs to where we are now. It's a long story - one that I may tell later. Sufice it to say we are currently residing with cats: Josie, Lilly and Mocha and dogs: Rory, Maggie, Rufus, Milo, Simon and the newest, Sebastian. I'll do pet profiles later on when I can get pictures up! So, if you're like my family, you're probably thinking: where in the world are you going to put a baby in that zoo? hehe. Well, good question! One we're still pondering at the moment but will surely take some furniture rearranging! I know that my little furry babies will love the new edition as much as we do though.

So far I'm feeling great. I have had some headaches this past week and a tiny bit of the "blahs". No other way to describe it. I don't feel sick necessarily...just blah. I'm sure all that will change though...and you'll be here right with me to find out how it's going! So stay tuned for more news on baby. Oh, and when my doctor gets back from vacation we'll be able to tell you more about due dates, etc.